Recreation and Development League


The philosophy of LSC is to develop players able to contribute to any team they choose to play with over the years.  At the same time, we want to develop respectful athletes who love the (beautiful) game of soccer as they continue their lives in whatever direction it may lead.

To this end, and based on the US Soccer guidelines, players are grouped first according to age and gender as they get older and makes sense. Skill level is considered after this to ensure proper development of the player and the players in their group. Training sessions on Tuesday night look this way and have a “field” to each group along with their coaches.

On game night on Fridays, these players will generally play within the same groups they practice with although some mixing might occur as matchup opportunities for development come forward. The purposes of the game is not outcome-based. We allow score to be kept. Sometimes they win and sometimes they lose. We love it when they tie. If they are playing small-sided in equal teams, then they get the most out of their time playing. It also allows the coaches the best opportunity to see where the players need improvement. There are no set teams, as we want the players to play the entire time they are there. Issued jerseys are reversible allowing them to be assigned at the fields.


Must have shin guards on and UNDER socks
Must have water
Must have Size 3 soccer ball
Need to be there on time
No jewelry (no earrings, nothing around the neck, no bracelets)

Fall 2024

RDL and P&M (Birth Years 2017-2021):

The one-time fee for RDL is $150.
The one-time fee for P&M is $60 for one parent shirt. $75 for two parent shirts.
Payment is due at the time of registration.

The Spring season will begin in March.  The Fall Season begins in September Labor Day Week. Practices will be on Tuesdays from 6-7 pm. Game days are Fridays starting at 6 pm with youngest playing first, then older players at 6:45 or 7:30 if we have enough to need 3 time slots – which we normally do. Parent & Me will be on Fridays only. All activities are at George Park fields. Please watch the RDL page (https://www.lamarsoccerclub.org/rdl) for updates as the first email notifications will not come until the end of August. All RDL players get an award at the end of the season!

Fall 2024 Registration will close on August 23 – no exceptions.

Fall 2024 Dates:

  • August 23 – Registration closes – No exceptions
  • August 24 – Field Day
  • September 3, 6, and 10 – First practices
  • September 10 – Uniforms passed out
  • September 13 – First Games and First Parent and Me Session
  • November 1 – Last Game

Parent & Me soccer is for our newest and youngest players. The entire principle is to get kids playing with the ball utilizing a coach and the parent. This is about fun and is very game-oriented. We want these players to fall in love with soccer and begin to develop the basic skills with a soccer ball and with other players to be successful athletes and kids. They meet for about 45 minutes once per week on Friday Nights.


Your children will need shin guards, a #3 ball, and water.

High intensity play will make the kids thirsty. WATER is the best hydration at this age.
Although LSC has a few spare balls, we do not have enough for everyone, so it is imperative all players bring a #3 ball.  Another size is highly discouraged, as it is really not good on the little, developing legs to use a larger ball.  Also, invest in a nicer ball if you can, as they will use this ball until they reach U9… 1 quality ball taken care of will last 4 years instead of replacing every season.
Shin guards are mandatory, and your child will not be able or allowed to practice without them on.  I highly recommend the shin guards attached to stirrups (or built into socks) at this age, as it keeps the shin guards in the proper location.  They must be built into or under the players’ socks.

Proper footwear is encouraged.  If you are buying new shoes for your child, I’d highly recommend turf soccer shoes at this age.  They are not big enough, fast enough, or quick enough to get any additional traction from longer cleats, and turf shoes are much more comfortable and safe.  Tennis shoes are also fine, but I understand how kids want to have cleats.

RDL and P&M Uniforms: Recreational and Development League (RDL) and Parent & Me (P&M) uniforms are issued during practice and the cost is included in your registration fee. New RDL players will receive their uniform at a practice prior to the first game.  Returning players should already have a uniform.  If the uniform is lost, unserviceable or does not fit, please let your coach know so we can get it replaced.  The uniform is included in your registration cost and includes a two-sided jersey, a pair of shorts and a pair of socks.

Parent Help: We ask that parents assist on game nights beside coaching.  Goals will be placed on play fields to be set up and taken down by the parents.  If we don’t have enough volunteers helping with playing balls back to coaches we do ask that parents chip in and help return balls to keep the game flow moving.  We are an entirely volunteer organization with only our referee’s receiving any payment so any help that can be provided is appreciated. 


We utilize volunteer coaches, and we are always in need of helpers, and soccer knowledge is not a must. We will provide curriculum, training, and direction if you are willing to become a coach.

Coaches are eligible for up to a 50% discount on the following season’s registration if the following requirements are met:

  1. Register as a coach with the club and complete Background Check, Safe Sport Online Training, and Heads Up Concussion Online Training
  2. Participate in at least 75 percent of the practice sessions, there are usually 10 to 12 practice sessions a season (8 or 9 is 75%).
  3. Participate in Friday Game Nights when available to help play balls in or set up and take down fields.    



The training session must be player-centered with the coach as a facilitator of the soccer experience. It is necessary to go with the flow and be adaptable with this age group. Use guided discovery, which gets children thinking and playing with little coaching interruption. Throughout the season, allow the players to experiment and discover the ball skills being taught on their own. The coach should demonstrate the skills a few times during the session. Also during the session, call out some of the key coaching points on how to execute the ball skills. Praise loudly and positively when a player does a skill correctly—positive reinforcement. Encourage them to try to do new things with the ball throughout the soccer season. It is very important that each player has a ball for every training session.

Fitness: Introduce the idea of how to warm-up and movement education. Begin education about nutrition with players and parents. Balance, walking, running, how to start and stop, jumping, hopping, rolling, skipping, changing direction, bending, twisting and reaching.

Technique: Dribbling (stop and start) and shooting. Experiment with the qualities of a rolling ball.

Psychology: Sharing, fair play, parental involvement, “how to play” and emotional management.

Tactics: Where is the field? The concept of boundary lines, at which goal to shoot and playing with the ball wherever it may go.

Coach’s qualities: Uses the games approach to learning, not drill oriented. Act as a facilitator rather than a coach. Other characteristics are: good humor, friendly helper, organizer, stimulator, ability to see soccer from a child’s perspective, patient, able to demonstrate movements and simple skills, enthusiastic and imaginative.

The Game: Preferably these should be unstructured pick-up game style matches. If scheduled matches must occur then every effort must be made to reduce the us versus them mentality and outcome-based expectations that surround too many youth games.

More can be found here: US Youth Soccer Player Development Model